Unique gifts with a New England flair

CNC Routing

Yankee Expressions Sign

Yankee Expressions sign
produced on CNC router.
Trail Sign

Trail sign for local town forest.
This is a rendering I sent to the
town for approval before cutting.
Hand Mirrors

Wooden hand mirrors
produced on CNC router.
Lighthouse Cribbage Board

Lighthouse Cribbage Board
produced on CNC router.

I have a small-scale (24" x 24") CNC router which I bought primarily for projects around the house and for making gifts. I'm always looking for projects to help pay for it.

For those who do not know what a CNC router is, picture a printer that prints in 3D. It is a router controlled by a computer capable of much more precise cuts than I am. CNC stands for Computer Numeric Control.

I produce wooden Hand Mirrors featuring beveled-edge round or oval mirrors.

Several years ago, before I had my own CNC router, I contracted with a toy manufacturer in Vermont to produce Lighthouse Cribbage Boards I designed. One of my back-burner projects is to program my router to produce more boards.

The router is also great for sign-making as shown above with the sign I made for Yankee Expressions.

Contact me about any customer project ideas.